
Steel Management Systems & BIM

BIM integration into a fabrication management system like STRUMIS can streamline your workflow and leverage information and associated drawings directly from modeling solutions such as Revit, Advanced Steel, Solidworks, Inventor, Tekla and SDS2.

It is no secret that fabricators have been using BIM for several years now to improve project efficiency and reduce costly errors on their projects. However, these benefits increase exponentially when you can integrate your model into a management system, driving greater efficiencies in many areas of the project such as Estimating, Planning & Resource Management. Without this critical integration, fabricators currently have to manually add potentially thousands of parts and assemblies to a project, just in time for the next revision to be issued and start the process all over again. When you truly take advantage of the BIM model you can drive this data input directly from the model and make revision management a breeze.


When the time comes to generate your next estimate or create the long list of detailed items for your BOM, imagine having the ability to import your entire detailed model including piece marks, assemblies, connections, material finishes, CNC files and drawings all in one easy step. Think of the time savings of this one process, not to mention keeping all these items connected together and to the model throughout the entire project. The next time you get hit with that revision, you then only need to re-import your model and let the software guide you through the changes, additions and deletions of the project in just a few easy steps. This process not only saves you valuable time, but significantly increases the accuracy of your project.


Once all this critical project data is now a part of your project, you have the ability to drive cost details from the actual model data, plan your shop time and resources from the connected and revision controlled CNC files and drawings. You management system can even push your critical production status and material order status details back to the native model for a complete and seamless workflow.

It has been proven that 90% of projects are delivered late. This is most often a result of poor communication & lack of planning. Embrace a true BIM workflow today and you can expect to see the industry standard results helping you drive down material waste by as much as 10% and reduce your construction rework by as much as 30%. With profit margins tighter than ever, make every dollar counts.



Leverage your BIM model today by working smarter and not harder.

To see how STRUMIS and BIM can benefit your steel fabrication visit

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